Another musician in his rookie year, this Illinois-born Cubs fan isn’t shy about tooting his own horn. Please meet principal horn Alex Camphouse!

Name:Alex Camphouse
Position:Principal Horn
Section:Offense (Brass ?)
Joined California Symphony:2023 – it’s my rookie season.
College:San Francisco Conservatory and Cincinnati Conservatory

Sporting Hero: Michael Jordan 

Your Sporting Alter Ego or Lookalike? Frequently mistaken for David Beckham when wearing a ski helmet and goggles.

Favorite Sporting Memory: The Cubs winning the Series in my lifetime!

Your Sports Teams: Chicago Cubs and Bulls. Also an adoptive fan of the SF Giants and Warriors.

Favorite California Symphony memory: When Donato struck out the entire horn section with curve balls while the Bassists were loaded – playing trivia post-concert, of course.

Most Looking Forward to Playing in 23/24: I’m a horn player, so Strauss, Schumann, and Brahms. A bit self indulgent, I know.

Favorite Hype Music: Nothing I’ll admit to in public.

Thoughts on playing music and playing sports?

Almost all performance success is determined by your quality of preparation. Everyone has to be in great physical shape and have extraordinary skills. It’s the psychological preparation that creates a truly outstanding performance whether your venue is a stage, court, or field.

Alex is one of the newest members of the California Symphony’s all-star squad of professional musicians. Support the team and music education programs that uplift and inspire our community with a year-end donation and help us reach the goal of raising $50,000 by December 31. Checks (including from Donor-Advised Funds), credit card payments, gifts of appreciated stock, and IRA distributions are all accepted. Donate now or call the office at 925.280.2490 so you can toot your horn that you made a gift to support the orchestra. Thank you!

