We ❤️ Our Donors

The California Symphony gratefully acknowledges the members of our ever-growing donor family! These individuals and organizations have demonstrated a commitment to the arts and improving our community. The following reflects gifts and pledges received from April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024.


Dean and Margaret Lesher Foundation
Richard Herring Estate

Sharon Simpson


Shari Ward


Paul Cortese
Carlotta and Bob Dathe
Jon Dickson


Karin Eames
Merle and Bonnie Hall

Sandy and Marc Macaulay
Mechanics Bank
Orchard House


William H. and Navid Armstrong
Amer Budayr
Tim Carlson
Abby Dye
Estate of John WM Kirk
Jeremy Gallaher and Jerome Guillen
Laura and Andrew Glenn

Linda Ingham
Sigrid Jarrett
Michael Lazur and Mary Ellen Rockdale
Rod Mickels and Lisa Franzel
Jacqueline Mills
Meryl and Alfred Norek
Jack and Jennifer Pohlman

Audrey Richards
Ruby Robins
Jeanne Ryan
Visit Walnut Creek
Michael and Denise Weiner
Janet Welter
Hal and Marcia Wilson


Irene Bergamini
Joseph Ficurelli
Ralph and Loella Haskew
Barbara Hodgkinson
Stephen Ingraham
Claire Kinney and Steven Berg

Robert and Shirley Kramer
Barton and Nadine Lane
Judy Lewis
Doug and Mary McGee
Ruth Reeves

Baruhska Sholty
Fred Smith
Allan and Carol Tobias
Joshua Weiner and Sepideh Ghafari
Ingrid Wittenberg


Kim Asher
Julie Basque
Janet Black
Donato Cabrera
Sandy Cavallo
Jennifer Cho
Robert and Mary Corning
Kimberly Cuccia
Jed Daniel
Debra Deitch
Lisa Dell and Cory Tiffin
Mike Elmore
Marco Gonzales
Susie Hanson
Rick and Kate Happy

Emily Harris
Richard and Lynne Hildebrand
Bette and Joe Hirsch
Sue Hoyt
Sally Ingraham
Aimee Johnson
Christopher Lawrie and Jarrod Baumann
Robee Lockhart
April MacDonald
Arlee Maier
Dirk Mellema
Christina and Kirk Miller
Robin Minor
Augustus Morr
Gail Murray

Jeremy and Kathy Peters
Susan and Stephen Philpott
Michael and Susan Pierce
Marty Pigeon
Edith Richter
Gary and Kathi Ryness
Cindy Silva
Sara Soltan
Kenneth and Carol Soult
Betsy Templeton
Jeff Terry
Susan Weinstein
Peggy And Michael White
Edward Winger and Aubrey Brewster
Theresa Yarborough-Fields


Neil Brennan
Rada and Kent Brooks
Kendall and Lana Burns
David and Madeleine Carlson
Joseph Copley
Diane Crowley Young
Nikki Curtis and Kris Buerkle
Cindy Darling
Joseph Dashiell
Monika Deutsche
Diablo Regional Arts Association
Gretchen and Larry Doolittle
Linda Drucker
Geraldine Dye

Jane Emanuel
Robert Foxall
Gina and David Ghio
David Halligan and Simone Hoelck
Manya Helgerson Casto
Pamela Jensen
Melissa and Sean Joerg
Bradley and Kelly Kaplan
Agatha Sue Lee
Richard Leffingwell
Matt Lituchy
Bev Louie
Laurence McEwen
Mary Leigh Miller

Russell Nelson
Elaine Neufeldt
Peter Newell
Kathleen Quinlan
Jackie and Dan Renke
Nan Reuther
Cynthia and Gabriel Salinas
Thomas Savignano
Sigrid Seibert
Elizabeth and Jeff Siegel
Sean DeLeo and Anne Silk
Carol Smith
Jacob Stensberg


Barbara Angius
Monica Bendernagel
Richard Bergeron
Bette Boatmun
Betty Bowles
Kay Brezinsky
Sarah Cahill
Kenneth and Candy Caldwell
Sheila Callaghan
Sue Cannon
Alice Chambliss
Chevron Employee Matching Fund
Helen Choi
Sally and William Clarke
Angie Coffee
Janice Coggiola
Troy and Denisa Feddersen
Dillon Franke
Judy French
Ilona Frost
Linda Furlong
Gail Gabriel

Melinda Gerber
Zachary Gordin
Scott and Shirlee Graff
John Gravell
Carl Graziani
Robin Hanley
Celia Hasbrook
Regan Johnson
John Judd
Birgit Karlsson
James Kloss
Frederick Lezak
Georgia Maslowski
Charlotte McKnight
Paul Menkes
Christine Monsen and Amal Moulik
Nancy Mueller
Amber Nelson
Stephanie Ng
Laurence Oppenheim
Karen Ostrach

Ethan and Kate Pease
Jean Poulsen
Chris Powell
Steve Pugh
Sue Rainey
Ron Ramin
Peter and Irene Reich
Kurt Riemer
Shelly Scruggs
Nan Siegel
Raygenia Stewart
Mark Sullivan
Chuka Tse
Yolanda Vega
Tiffany Wang
Joe and Betty Watson
Isabel Wickliffe
Kathryn Wilder
Kevin and Jill Wilk
Dea Wilson
Wendy Yan


Annette Alborg
Carolyn Anderson
Ronald P. Anderson
Annette and Joe Annunziato
Rudolph Ronald Armijo
Michael Bandler
Kenneth Bartsch
Carol Baskett
Claude and Carol Benedix
Nancy Bergman
Dee Birtcil
Ellena Bloedorn
Jim Bolinger
Jeanne Boyd
Louis and Stephanie Brooner
Carolyn Bybee
Lou and Lynnette Cabrera
Helen Carroll
Allison Cavanagh
Martha Jo Cazenave
Julie Chow
Lenore Clarke
Janine Collins
Cindy Deans
Darren and Sunshine Deffner
Dale Deffner
Leslie DeGiere
Robert Denison
Thomas DiSanto
Lillian Djavaheri
Michael D’Onofrio
Elizabeth Dorman
Lauren and Joe Doyle
Beverly Dubrin
Charleen and Kurt Elste
Cheril Fagan
Steven Falls
Jean Fiske
Charlotte Foley
Jan Geahry
Pat George
Deanne Gilbert

Charles and Florence Gilliam
Sunshine Gloria
Carleen Goeckel
Jane Greene
Kenneth Gundry
Kenneth Gutierrez
Brittain Habegger
Hannelore Harwood
Xi He
Yasaman Helmi
Ingrid Hempell
Peter and Judy Heyman
Lindsey Higgens
Carolyne Hudson
Marilyn Hughes
Dan Hussain
Jutta Jacobs and Charles Newman
Katherine Jarrett
Ed and Marge Joehnk
Zev Kahn
Curran Kaushik
Inga and Jim Keldsen
Ted and Iasmine Klauber
John Klein
Mary Koch
George and Edith Kohut
Barbara Kuklewicz
Robert and Gay Laaback
Yvonne LaLanne
Peter Lindberg
Mario Lippmann
Suzanne Lofquist
Steven Lowe
Paul Lundstedt
Rennett Macintyre
Theresa Madeira
Mark Malaspina
Silvano and Gerarda Marchesi
Carol Marshall
Rachel and Ryan McCrackan
Stan Michael

Ann Moriarty
Jane Mowry
Mary Moyce
Gerda Muller
Jack Nelson
Carol Nielsen
Victor and Jess Oliveros
Lisa Olsheskie
Deborah OrelBixler
Andrea Partridge
Al and Valerie Petersen
Leslie Pfeifer
Jill Pietrowiak
Mark Powers
Ronald Rogness
Patsy Ronat
Pam Ryan
Robert Saenz
Susana Sam-Vargas
Patricia Shanahan
Almut Sommer
Martha Stewart
Daphne Stoermer
Tom Stone
Nathaniel and Jodi Stookey
Elizabeth Summer
Annette Theisen
Phyllis Theisen
Rhoda Thilmony
Dee Thompson
Sally Thorpe
Alex Tiant
Joy Todd
Beth Topor
Nancy Turnier
Dyanne Vojvoda
Ralph Wagner Jr
Suzanne Walsh
Stephen Weinstein
Therese Welter
Greta Zielinski